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It was reported that an aircraft was operating within the CTAF without the crew communicating its intentions.
No change coordination details were passed on an aircraft about to depart.
The aircraft did not track in accordance with the cleared route. The pilot held a flight plan different to that submitted to ATC.
During cruise, the crew received a number two engine chip warning and returned to Pearce.
The aircraft climbed above the assigned altitude.
The aircraft entered restricted airspace without a clearance.
During the cruise, the pilot heard a loud bang and detected engine vibrations. The pilot shutdown the engine and conducted a forced landing into a paddock. The engineering inspection revealed that an exhaust valve had failed.
During climb, the crew received a left engine overheat indication and diverted to Mangalore for a landing.
A fire developed in the left engine after it was started. The engineering inspection revealed a loose fuel line fitting.
During the landing, the nose landing gear strut failed resulting in minor damage.
During the climb, the crew received an abnormal engine indication and shut down the left engine before returning to Adelaide. The engineering inspection revealed a faulty oil pressure transmitter.
During the approach, the engine master caution light illuminated. During the engineering inspection, the cannon plugs were cleaned.
During climb, fumes were noticed in the mid cabin. During the engineering inspection, no fault was found with the aircraft.
During survey operations a towed instrument detached from the cable when it became tangled.
During short final approach, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the post-flight inspection, evidence of a birdstrike was revealed. It could not be established where the strike occurred.
On approach, the aircraft did not track in accordance with the Bondi Four STAR.
During the cruise, the co-pilot became medically incapacitated.
During cruise, the aircraft encountered turbulence and a cabin crewmember sustained a minor injury.
When the crew selected landing gear up after takeoff, the gear did not retract. The crew returned the aircraft to Brisbane. Engineering inspection revealed that the ground air sensor had failed.
During short final approach, the aircraft struck a bird.
The ADC misunderstood the aircraft's planned track and the aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
The aircraft entered restricted airspace without a clearance.
The aircraft entered restricted airspace without a clearance.
The surface controller did not advise the tower controller that a vehicle was operating on the flight strip.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
The VHF equipment at Limbunya Station failed for three hours.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
During the cruise, the aircraft deviated left of track without a clearance.
After landing and backtracking, the aircraft vacated the runway via an incorrect taxiway.
During a runway inspection, the safety officer retrieved the carcass of a bird.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a magpie.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a plover.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a plover.
During final approach, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the final approach, the first officer advised the captain of the need to leave the cockpit for a short period. The captain continued with the landing.
During a pre-flight inspection, evidence of a birdstrike was detected on the left wing. It is unknown when the strike occurred.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a hawk.
During the descent, the aircraft encountered moderate turbulence. A cabin crew member suffered minor injuries.
The crew did not comply with the taxi clearance.
During the cruise, the aircraft encountered severe turbulence and exceeded its maximum airspeed limit.
The crew rejected the take-off run due to an integrated standby instrument speed failure.
During the unloading of the aircraft, incorrectly packed dangerous goods (Lithium Batteries) were detected.
During the cruise, the aircraft deviated right of track without a clearance.
The safety officer retrieved the carcass of an ibis from the runway.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck three galahs.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a Richard's pipit.
As the Beech 200 joined downwind an aircraft, which had been holding, descended and joined the circuit without making any broadcasts. The Beech 200 pilot conducted a missed approach.
During pushback, the right engine shutdown automatically after start. During the engineering inspection, the fuel valve actuator was replaced
During the cruise, the forward baggage fuselage door warning light illuminated. The crew descended to 10,000 ft and depressurised the aircraft. After landing, the door handle was found to be slightly ajar and not locked.
The crew changed frequency without authorisation.
During the climb, the aircraft descended without a clearance due to moderate turbulence.
During boarding, the crew detected oil fumes in the cockpit which dissipated when the air conditioners were switched off. An engineering inspection revealed the source of the fumes to be the air from a ground air cart.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
The aircraft taxied without a clearance.
During the approach, the aircraft struck an ibis.
During the initial climb, the aircraft diverted off track without a clearance.
No coordination details were passed on an aircraft approaching the airspace boundary.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
The pilot did not comply with an ATC instruction to hold short of the runway and the aircraft entered the runway without a clearance.
While departing on the CANBERRA SIX RADAR SID, the aircraft did not track in accordance with the published procedure.
During the landing flare, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the landing roll, the aircraft's nosewheel tyre deflated.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a plover.
The two aircraft were tracking on the same route when separation reduced to 1.9 NM horizontally and 300 ft vertically. Separation standards were infringed. The investigation is continuing.
The two aircraft were tracking on the same route when separation reduced to 1.9 NM horizontally and 300 ft vertically. Separation standards were infringed. The investigation is continuing.
Shortly after takoff, the engine lost power and the pilot landed back on the runway. The aircraft over ran the end of the runway.
During the climb, the integrated standby flight display failed. An engineering inspection revealed a fault with the display's battery charger.
Unmanifested cargo weighing was loaded onto the aircraft.The aircraft departed before the crew were notified of the error..
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the approach, the aircraft struck four birds.
The pilot did not update a waypoint estimate and the aircraft arrived five minutes early.
The aircraft climbed above its assigned level.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
The aircraft entered restricted airspace without a clearance.
No coordination details were passed on an aircraft approaching the airspace boundary.
During the approach, the pilot did not follow a sequencing instruction.
The crew did not comply with the taxi clearance.
During short final approach, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the cruise, the aircraft diverted off track without a clearance.
During a training flight, the pilot mishandled the aircraft resulting in a hard landing.
During cruise, the crew received abnormal right engine engine torque indications.The crew actioned the non-normal checklist, shut down the engine and returned to Sydney.Engineering investigation revelaed a faulty hydro-mechanical unit.
During cruise, the number two engine chip warning light illuminated. After landing, an inspection of the chip detector revealed a 1 mm hair like splinter. During the subsequent engineering inspection, no further evidence of contamination was found..
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a magpie.
During a spray run, the aircraft struck a powerline.
During the cruise, the aircraft encountered windshear and the airspeed exceeded the limit momentarily.
During cruise, the crew reported that the centre fuel pumps had failed. During the engineering inspection, no fault could be found with the pumps.
On departure, the crew did not comply with the heading instruction.
During the approach, the aircraft did not track in accordance with the clearance.
The aircraft did not track in accordance with the HAWKY THREE SID.
Coordination details were passed late on an aircraft approaching the airspace boundary.
The pilot did not comply with an ATC instruction to hold short of the runway and the aircraft entered the runway without a clearance.
While cleared on a MARLN EIGHT STAR, the aircraft did not track in accordance the published procedure.
The safety officer retrieved a plover carcass from the taxiway.
The aircraft entered runway 35L without a clearance.
During cruise, the aircraft diverged off track without clearance.
The crew did not comply with the taxi clearance and the aircraft entered the runway without a clearance.
While entering the holding pattern, the aircraft turned in the wrong direction.
The pilot did not comply with the taxi clearance.
During the cruise, the aircraft diverted to the right of track without a clearance.
The passenger would not comply with a cabin crew member's directions.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
The aircraft did not adhere to the tracking requirements of the RWY 34 MICHM SEVEN Z STAR.
During the initial climb, the left engine oil pressure decreased and the crew shut down the engine. The helicopter was returned to Karratha. An engineering inspection revealed a faulty oil pressure transmitter.
During landing, the left inboard main landing gear tyre deflated. Inspection revealed a tear, approximately 130 mm in length, in the tyre sidewall.
The crew changed frequency without authorisation.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a fairy martin.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a fairy martin.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a galah.
During the landing flare, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a bird and the crew rejected the takeoff.
The helicopter entered the helipad and took off without a clearance.
The crew did not comply with the taxi clearance.
The aircraft landed with the landing gear retracted. The pilot became distracted during the approach and forgot to lower the landing gear.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck two diamond doves.
The safety officer retrieved a black kite from the runway.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a bird.
The safety officer retrieved a bird carcass from the runway.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a nankeen kestrel.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a rabbit.
During the take-off run, the pilot observed excessive fuel pressure gauge fluctuations and rejected the takeoff. The pilot reported a faulty gauge.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a magpie.
The aircraft was cleared to backtrack on runway 36, but backtracked on runway 18.
During the take-off run, the pilot observed no airspeed indication and rejected the takeoff. An engineering inspection revealed a faulty pitot-static system.
The aircraft entered the runway without a clearance.
The aircraft did not taxi in accordance with the taxi clearance and subsequently collided with an obstruction light.
During descent, the aircraft was struck by lightning.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
During descent, the aircraft was struck by lightning.
The aircraft delayed its departure due to a turtle on the runway.
The aircraft did not adhere to the tracking requirements of the RWY 12 MANTL SEVEN SID.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
After landing, the aircraft taxied without a clearance.
The aircraft did not depart as cleared and subsequently entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
During the approach, the aircraft's electrical system failed and the pilot diverted to Mareeba. The engineering inspection revealed a broken wire.
Coordination details were unable to be passed for an aircraft approaching the boundary.
Eight helicopters, flying in company, entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
After landing, the aircraft taxied without a clearance.
The crew did not comply with taxi clearance.
The aircraft climbed above its assigned level.
The crew did not comply with an ATC altitude requirement.
During the climb, the cabin crew detected fumes in the cabin. An engineering inspection revealed that the source of the fumes was an excess of anti-ice fluid in the right engine.
The aircraft entered restricted airspace without a clearance.
During the cruise, the right engine failed. The aircraft diverted to Mount Gordon. The investigation is continuing.
The aircraft was maintaining a level below its assigned level.
During the cruise, the aircraft was struck by lightning.
During the climb, the aircraft encountered windshear which resulted in the aircraft climbing above its assigned level.
During the cruise, the crew did not update a waypoint estimate with the aircraft arriving six minutes late.
During the initial climb, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
The Bombardier Dash 8 was cleared to descent through the level of the Boeing 737, before the controller realised the that there was a potential separation issue. When the controller identified the issue they instructed the Dash 8 to discontinue descent and climb back to their original level. There was a loss of separation assurance
The Bombardier Dash 8 was cleared to descent through the level of the Boeing 737, before the controller realised the that there was a potential separation issue. When the controller identified the issue they instructed the Dash 8 to discontinue descent and climb back to their original level. There was a loss of separation assurance
The helicopter became airborne without a clearance.
The crew commenced a holding pattern at the incorrect waypoint.
During the landing roll, the aircraft struck a bird.
During the landing, the aircraft struck a galah.
During the take-off run, the aircraft struck a bird.
No taxi and departure details were passed on an aircraft departing Williamtown airspace.
The aircraft entered controlled airspace without a clearance.
During the landing, the student pilot used excessive braking resulting in a main landing gear tyre blow out.